Haas Scholars
Commuters Versus Residents: A Comparative Historical Analysis of America's Urban Freeways
Microfluidics and Alzheimer's Disease: A Device to Study the Amyloid Beta Protein
Emerging Discourses in California's Solitary Confinement Debate
Women with Disabilities: The Intersection of Disability and Domestic Violence Services
The Gravity of the Situation: Health Access for Transgender Women In Montral and the Epistemology of Transgender Health Care
"The Name of a Commonwealth", Theories of Statehood and 18th-Century Accounts of Piracy
Resettlement Refugee Programs and Economic Empowerment: A Case Study of the International Rescue Committee in the United States
Meet Each Need with Dignity: Community and the Dynamics of Nonprofit Change in the Northeast San Fernando Valley
Framing China: Congressional Commissions' Impact on U.S. Foreign Policy
Making Synthetic Chemistry Greener: More Sustainable Processes via Catalysis with New Transition Metal Compounds
What's Glass Got to Do With it: Glass Bracelet Fragments from Tall Dhiban
Queering Our Performance: Examining Homosociality Among 19th Century Buffalo Soldiers
Away From Home: The Impact of Colonial History on Filipino Labor Trafficking in the US
Acre/Akka/Akko: A Chronicle of Israel's External and Internal Occupation
Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: The Next Generation Transistor Materials
Prurient Pleasures and the Pornographic Effect of H.I.V.
Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of Prefrontal Cortex: Examining Effects on Causal Learning
An Island in Transition: Examining the Relationship Between Trade Policy and Public Health Outcomes in American Samoa
Strategies of Literary Defiance in Tobias Smollett's "The Expedition of Humphry Clinker", William Apess' "A Son of the Forest and Other Writings, and Jos Antonio Villarreals Pocho