Haas Scholars
The Role of the Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus in Mediation of Seasonal Reproductive Rhythms in the Siberian Hamster
To Pass Through History and Enter Sanctity: the Last Judgment mosaic of Prague Cathedral
Diamonds, Swords and Video Cameras
How a DNA Repair Enzyme (DME) Controls Gene Transcription
Impossible Witnesses, Recording and Describing Slavery-An Exploration of Slave Letters
Targeted Spending for the Very Poor in Chile
Angels, Vixens, and Supermamas: American Television Action Heroines, 1965-1979
Effects of Environmental Atrazine Contamination on Rana Pipiens Gonadal Development
A Spot for Us in Every Home: Deciphering the Creation and Proliferation of Queer Culture in Mass Culture
How (And Should) Government Regulate Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis?
Reward Motivation and Working Memory
V-Src Regulation of Protein Kinase C-Zeta
Media Coverage of Media Concentration
A Study of Selective Catalysis in Water
Interferon-Dependent Innate Mechanisms in Mice with Dengue Infection
Orientalist Exposures: Image, Authority, and Empire in Gertrude Bells Photographic Archive
Identifying Hormonal Factors and Response Elements Regulating GPR82 mRNA Expression
Subcellular Targeting of the p21-activated Protein Kinase, Cla4
Urban Mediation Committees in a Modernizing China