Haas Scholars

2007-2008 Humanities

Profile image of Ziza DelgadoProfile image of Ziza Delgado

Ziza Delgado

Understanding Our Legacy: How the Free Speech Movement and Third World Liberation Front Affected Curricular Reform at UC Berkeley


Profile image of Nicole GordonProfile image of Nicole Gordon

Nicole Gordon

The Architecture of the Invisible: Women, Workers, and Water in the New Argentine Cinema


Profile image of Sirianand JacobsProfile image of Sirianand Jacobs

Sirianand Jacobs

'Apparently, they cannot bear the light': Privacy, Performance, and Propriety in Dutch Neighborhoods


Profile image of Chad VoglerProfile image of Chad Vogler

Chad Vogler

Blankwall: A Poetic Interpretation of Interracial Modernity and the Harlem Renaissance
