David Pack Rose Hills
Exploring the impact of culturally tailored culinary interventions: Reducing blood pressure through dietary change among Filipinx Americans
Among all Asian American subgroups, Filipinx Americans have consistently shown to
suffer from the highest rates of hypertension. Despite this alarming fact, little research has
been done to investigate culturally sensitive interventions to help control blood pressure and
reduce rates of hypertension in this specific community. The purpose of my research will be to investigate whether the development and implementation of a culturally tailored culinary
intervention used to control hypertension, such as a heart healthy Filipinx recipe cookbook, is effective for encouraging dietary change and ultimately reducing blood pressure in Filipinx-
Americans currently diagnosed with hypertension. In this research project, I will work with key individuals in the local Filipinx community to help me develop and design a heart healthy Filipinx recipe cookbook. After the development of the cookbook, I will begin the implementation of my culturally tailored intervention in the study population. My ultimate goal for this research project is to help reduce sequelae like heart attack and stroke that result from the high rates of uncontrolled hypertension in this community.
Message To Sponsor
Thank you so much to the Rose Hills Foundation for funding this research project. You have given me the amazing opportunity and the financial support to do research in a community very near and dear to my heart. There is a need for more research to be done in minority communities and, by your generous donation, you have helped me to address this problem. Thank you so much for your belief in me and this project.