Stephanie Gam

This study employs a number of important methodological features: experimental manipulation of stress, measurement of arousal using psychophysiological parameters, neurocognitive assessment of response inhibition, and behavioral indicators of whether response inhibition deficits translate to real world behavior. Much of the data collection has been completed over the past few semesters, and over the summer the main goal was to organize, clean, and analyze this data. We are hoping this research will fill major gaps in the literature by assessing the extent to which deficits in cognitive control resulting from heightened […]
Sarah Strochak

This summer, I have been continuing my work on developing and maintaining a database of annual housing production reports. Every year, cities in California report their housing production on Annual Progress Reports (APRs), as part of the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) process, a feature of the California state Housing Element Process. By analyzing this data, I hope to develop a way to analyze the rate of reporting across the state, the amount of housing that has been produced, and how this production compares to the goals outlined by the […]
Carolyn Dunlap

This summer I am working with Cecile Fortuny in the Flannery lab to better understand retinal disease. This summer project is a continuation of the work we have been doing throughout the year to understand how degenerative retinal diseases function and try and model the diseases in mice so that future research and treatment can be conducted. We are also working on designing ways for the treatment of these diseases to be possible and more effective.
Jner Tzern (JJ) Oon

The projects aims at searching for stellar binary systems with extremely uneven members. The surveys the team conducts use state-of-the-art high contrast imaging devices. To the large collection of images for each target advanced analysis tools are applied to achieve the highest possible contrast to find the faint companions. JJ continues to be involved in the in the data analysis and post-processing of the data. This includes developing code to process the raw data to final, science-grade images of each target, testing the approach and optimizing it. The team is […]
Dae Woong Ham

I spent and will spend most of the time finalizing our paper, which will be published soon. I am mainly responsible for doing most of the coding and execution on the statistics part of the project. I have currently done ODE solving, parameter estimation, monte carlo simulations with 95% Confidence Intervals, modeling, and computer simulations.
Yana Slabakov

This summer, I am investigating the advantages that large predators bring to their ecosystems, as well as the costs, benefits, challenges, and feasibility of a wide array of wildlife management methods. I’m focusing my research on the Hopland Research and Extension Center in Mendocino County, where sheep ranchers are deeply invested in the impacts that coyotes have on their operations. I’m exploring historical methods and attitudes toward large carnivore management to find practical solutions that can be applied to ranching operations at Hopland today. Reframing the issue from one which […]