Zaidie Long
Open Source Investigation for the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar
Using the skills I’ve gained as a researcher the UC Berkeley School of Law’s Human Rights Center, I will be working with a peer to conduct open source research on specific instances of human rights concerns in Myanmar. This will be an incredible opportunity to contribute to the important existing work to address several recent and ongoing critical instances of human rights abuses in Myanmar, as well as to learn about the work and operations of the IIMM, which was established by the UN Human Rights Council, and its partners.
Message To Sponsor
I am extremely grateful for the support of the donor community which was allowed me to spend my summer pursuing research which I think is extremely meaningful and necessary both specific to events going on in Myanmar and in the context of global trends in human rights abuses and the need for improved accountability. This opportunity is also highly meaningful to me as a means of gaining some initial experience in a field in which I plan to pursue a career after I graduate next year.
Major: Political Economy
Mentor: Stephanie Croft/ Human Rights Center
Sponsor: Cheunkarndee Fund