Undergraduate Research & Scholarships

Tariq Ravasia

Issue opinions and the growth of legislative polarization

My summer research compiles reviews of past legislation across a variety of issue areas for use in survey research. The aim of this project is to compare the polarization of the present legislature to past legislatures to determine if polarization is, as many believe, growing rapidly in recent years. This project uses a novel method that analyzes congressional behavior over the same legislation at different points in time, which allows us to separate the effect of which legislation comes to a vote from actual ideological changes in the composition of modern legislatures.

Message To Sponsor

I would like to offer my sincerest thanks to the donor sponsoring this project. This is a massive opportunity to me to explore hands-on research in political behavior and polarization, both fields which I truly love and would like to dedicate my life to. I really believe in the work that we're doing and I'm immensely grateful for the opportunity to continue to assist Professor Broockman.
Major: Political Science
Mentor: David Broockman, Political Science
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