Undergraduate Research & Scholarships

Ian Fredrickson

American Social Movements and the Legal Framing of Work

During the latter half of the 20th century, America experienced a sizable shift in political and economic ideology. By analyzing a random sample of work-related articles from the New York Times from 1950 to 1989, we measure whether the broad, symbolic framing of work shifted alongside the altering public discourse surrounding American social movements. We are tracing what was said, and not said, about working life during this critical period in American political economy.

Message To Sponsor

It means so much to be able to continue my research this summer. I've been on the "Framing of Work" research team since spring 2023, and it's exciting to be granted the time to make more progress toward the finish line. This work is especially important to me, as I am attending Berkeley Law this fall to complete my JD and hopefully become a plaintiff-side employment attorney. Many thanks to the donors and to my mentor, Diana Reddy, for this opportunity!
Major: Business Administration
Mentor: Diana Reddy, School of Law
Sponsor: Cheunkarndee Fund
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