Emily Kinnaman
Field School at Nemea, Greece
This summer, I will be continuing my work with the Nemea Center by helping on their ongoing excavation in Nemea, Greece. We will be excavating at the cemetery of Aidonia as well as doing conservation work and assisting in the museum. The artifacts at this site range from prehistoric to Byzantine periods, so it is really helpful for learning more about a broad range of history.
Message To Sponsor
This stipend has given me to opportunity to go to Greece and study ancient history (which is the particular kind of history I am studying at school) in a completely new and really unique way. I'm thrilled to have this opportunity, and it means so much that someone wants to help me learn and pursue my interests. Thank you for your generosity!
Major: History + Molecular Environmental Biology
Mentor: Kim Shelton
Sponsor: Anselm Fund