Ella Grosel
Help-Seeking Cost Considerations in Children Age 2 to 4
This summer, I will be continuing my work in the Social Origins Lab helping to conduct two studies that investigate whether children prefer to do something on their own or seek help if they have both options. In our first study, we have a room with two identical machines behind curtains, and we present children with a tool which they can insert into the machine themselves to get a prize when one of the curtains is open, or give to a helper to insert for them to get a prize when both curtains are closed. In our second study, one machine will have a cost associated with inserting the tool to get the prize, and we will investigate whether this perceived cost affects help-seeking behavior compared to the first study. Our aim is to investigate and compare this help-seeking behavior and determine whether it changes during development.
Message To Sponsor
I am very appreciative of the donors who made this research opportunity possible for me and the other URAP summer fellows. Without this support, I would not be able to stay in Berkeley this summer to further my interest in psychology and child development research. My experience with URAP this year has been great, and I am looking forward to a summer full of even more growth and learning!