Undergraduate Research & Scholarships

Caitlyn Wilt

An Equitable And Sustainable Transition In The Agriculture-Food System

This project is working to compare the policy approaches of Europe and the United States to meet the challenge of aging farmer populations through addressing high barriers to entry for young and socially disadvantaged farmers. We will be distributing a U.S.-focused policy brief based on interviews with government organizations, non-profits, and individual farmers about their perspectives and experiences with these issues, as well as begin writing our comparative analysis with Spain. Our ultimate goal is to develop a workshop that allows actors in both Spain and California to learn from one another on best practices to address their respective challenges in ensuring a healthy and sustainable agriculture-food system.


Message To Sponsor

Thank you so much for making the URAP Summer Fellowships possible! After spending two and a half years combing through census data, interviewing farmers, and coding our data, we are beginning to write our U.S. and comparative analyses. I'm very grateful to be recognized for my work on this project, and I'm so excited to publish all our hard work. This opportunity alleviates financial worry and supports my continuation with this project.
Major: Legal Studies
Mentor: Robin Marsh, Institute for the Study of Societal Issues
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