Anna Boser
Women's Empowerment in Niger
I will be going to Niger to analyse ethnographic research for the Center for Girls’ Education which is part of the OASIS initiative. The Center is expanding to Niger, and this research will allow it to take into account then specific dynamics and characteristic of rural Hausa communities in Niger in order to implement a more tailored program geared towards women’s empowerment in that region.
Message To Sponsor
Thank you so much for funding this experience! It means the world to me that I will be able to continue conducting research with Daniel Perlman this summer. Not only that, but having the opportunity to experience what this research and the program looks like on the ground level in Niger will surely be a life changing for me. I know that I will come out of this summer having seen and learned things that I could have never imagined. Thank you!!!!
Major: Public Health
Mentor: Daniel Perlman
Sponsor: Leadership Fund