Ann Sun
Women in African Governments: Tracking the Appointment and Promotion of Women Cabinet Ministers
I will be responsible for managing a database of over 6,500 senior government officials in African countries from 1980 to 2010. Focusing on women government officials in particular, I will develop new measures to assess their professional trajectories with new information on the positions held, including policy portfolios, promotions, years in office, and previous professional background. This work will entail tracking down hard-to-find biographical information, coding new data, and undertaking preliminary statistical analyses.
Message To Sponsor
This will be my third semester working with Professor Arriola on this project, an undertaking to which I've become incredibly committed. As thus, I would like to thank those who have made this summer experience possible—I'm thrilled to see that students who are enthusiastic about research are being rewarded for their dedications
Major: Political Science
Mentor: Leonardo Arriola
Sponsor: Leadership Fund