Miriam Alvarado Contextualizing Haath Mein Sehat's Habit-Formation Intervention within a Neoliberal Environment Humanities and Social Science
Jonathon Atkinson Beyond Nietzsche and Heidegger's Responses to Nihilism Humanities and Social Science
Sarah Carlson Making a Place Our Own: A History of Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgendered Community Spaces Humanities and Social Science
Elizabeth Castle The Neural Basis of Pro-Sociality: An fMRI Study of Compassion Humanities and Social Science
Karlyn DeSteno Intellectual Property and Processes of Musical Borrowing: Sound-Alike Composers and Their Work Humanities and Social Science
Andrew Feher The Politics of Meat Regulation: An Examination of Californias Small-Scale Ranches Humanities and Social Science
Brittany Gabel Skewed Perceptions: The Ethnic Relations of Tourists and Tour Guides in Costa Rica Humanities and Social Science
Faith Gardner From Pulp Fiction to Film Noir: Cinematic Translation of a Literary Style Humanities and Social Science
Eyal Mazor Allan's Carrying Capacity: The Political Origins of Neo-Malthusian Scientific Thinking in Colonial Zambia Humanities and Social Science
Shauna Peterson Reconstructing the Two-Dimensional: Planimetric Designs in Colonial Peru Humanities and Social Science
Tammy Stark A Morphological Sketch and Cross-Linguistic Comparison of Omagua, a Highly Endangered Amazonian Language Humanities and Social Science