Tara Popovic Social Science
South Asian Coalitional Futures: Community Organizing and Diasporic Identity(ies) in the Bay Area
Scholars Journal
Popular views around Bay Area South Asian identities have constrained societal and academic knowledge of the powerful connections between theories of liberation, community-organizing, and coalition-building work present in the South Asian diaspora. Tara will conduct archival research to establish a historical foundation based on the theoretical work of South Asian Studies and Social Movement Theory scholars, will use “Activist Ethnography” as an analytical tool, and will conduct interviews with Bay Area South Asian community organizers. Tara seeks to better understand how socio-political construction of South Asian coalition-building shifts when considering the interplay between progressive/racial justice-positioned community-organizing work and South Asian identities.
Major: Ethnic Studies and Comparative Literature
Mentor: Victoria Robinson, Ethnic Studies and American Cultures