Marisela Tanori Social Science

Halfway There: Housing and Reintegration of Formerly Incarcerated Individuals

Scholars Journal

The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Of the 50 states, California has the second highest prison population. California’s Parole Board hears about 8,000–9,000 cases each year to determine if incarcerated people are suitable for parole, but only 16–20% are found suitable for it. Of those individuals paroled, 85% are required to go to a halfway house before they are released to find their own living arrangement. There are no standardized policies in place for how halfway houses should operate, which sets up discrepancies in the conditions and services they provide. Some provide significant sets of resources; others do not. Marisela's project will compare the two models, focusing on the purpose and effectiveness of the halfway houses for post-release incarcerated individuals.
Marisela Tanori
Major: American Studies
Mentor: Victoria Robinson, Ethnic Studies and American Cultures
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