Undergraduate Research & Scholarships

Haas Scholars Program

“This program exceeded my expectations. It is thrilling hearing about others’ progress and the amazing things they are going to do. This program never fell short!!” (22-23 Haas Scholar)

“Oof, I really appreciated my experience. I pushed myself hard and was pushed hard by people around me who understood that I wouldn’t be perfect, but knew that I could produce work I would be proud of.” (22-23 Haas Scholar)

“Life transforming it was. Brain chemistry forever altered. I was so surprised I got in. I’m the first academic in my family, and this experience was incredibly affirming.” (22-23 Haas Scholar)

“My independent research in alignment with the creative freedom that was gifted to me within this program allowed me to incorporate art to better communicate and break down my thoughts on the subject, something that I never thought I would be able to do. I strongly believe this opportunity has allowed me to explore different venues for conceptualizing my research and the questions I have in the world.” (22-23 Haas Scholar)

“This program far exceeded my expectations and the flexibility and genuine support I received truly made the experience… I will miss this experience but will cherish the memories forever.” (21-22 Haas Scholar)

“In short, the program exceeded my expectations because I was encouraged to dig deeper to make my thoughts and ideas clear. I am proud of my accomplishment.” (21-22 Haas Scholar)

“It was a great experience, and I feel I’ve grown a lot from carrying out this project. I’m more perseverant and able to deal with obstacles much better. Carrying out my project exceeded my expectations since I wasn’t expecting to learn so much about myself and the research field in general from a single experience.” (21-22 Haas Scholar)

“I feel that I grew more with this program than with all my other Berkeley experiences. I also loved (and will miss) the sense of community we had as a cohort.” (21-22 Haas Scholar)


“My experience with the Haas Scholars Program was very fulfilling academically and personally. Not only did it allow me to strengthen my research skills for graduate school and future projects but also gave me something to look forward to every week and a community to share this past year with.” (20-21 Haas Scholar)

“Without exaggeration, the Haas Scholars Program has been the highlight of my Berkeley experience. I have felt incredibly empowered, supported, and inspired to carry out a full-length, independent research project for the first time.” (20-21 Haas Scholar)

“This experience has a profound impact on my life, and I know that because of my experiences here, my life has been directed to a path within which I am grounded with dedication and passion.” (19-20 Haas Scholar)

“The Haas Scholars Program was the keystone opportunity for me as an undergraduate researcher at Cal. I believe it was one of the most important factors in my success with graduate school admission.” (19-20 Haas Scholar)

“Of all of my experiences I’ve had through Cal, this is far has been the most formative. I didn’t really know what to expect before taking on this project, but I learned so much from the entire process and am incredibly grateful for all of the doors it has opened” (18-19 Haas Scholar)

“I am most thankful for my experience with the Haas Scholars Program. It was truly the highlight my undergraduate studies, and it changed my life.” (18-19 Haas Scholar)