Sarthak Bhatnagar
PRC Nuclear Decision-Making and the Naval Domain
This summer, I will be continuing my research with the Berkeley Risk and Security Lab. I will be examining evolutions in the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) nuclear decision-making and force posture and command and control shifts in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). With a particular emphasis on the maritime domain and naval deterrence, I will be researching escalation pathways for conflict in the Indo-Pacific, as well as the impact of bureaucratic politics on PRC doctrine. This project will culminate in a tabletop exercise that aims to answer how US Navy force posture changes may affect PRC strategic decision-making.
Message To Sponsor
I am tremendously grateful for the support that is allowing me to continue my research during the summer. My URAP experience with the Berkeley Risk and Security Lab has been the highlight of my academic experience, and I am very excited that this support is furthering that experience.
Major: Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
Mentor: Andrew Reddie, Berkeley Risk and Security Lab