Reagan Smith
Phoebe A. Hearst Museum Collections Care
I help preserve artifacts and make them accessible to researchers and the public. My work consists mainly of two parts: artifact re-housing and artifact photography. Artifact re-housing involves updating the storage practices of objects. For example, many of the trays of artifacts that I’m working with this summer have ceramic sherds that come from Asia and the Near East that are simply piled on top of each other; I create foam-padded plastic bags for each object that are constructed from materials that don’t emit artifact-degrading chemicals. Then, I take photos of each artifact that are uploaded to the Hearst’s online collections database.
Message To Sponsor
I am so grateful for this opportunity to continue to work at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology over the summer, because it allows me to continue to pursue my intended career in museum studies. My anthropology background, combined with the artifact care techniques I am learning, are providing me with the skills and understanding necessary to carry out my dream of broadening the perspectives of the general public and fostering a greater appreciation for all cultures.
Major: Anthropology
Mentor: Leslie Freund/ Hearst Museum Collections Manager
Sponsor: Anselm Fund