Mark Zerrudo
Writing Data Stories: Integrating Computational Data Investigations into the Middle School Science Classroom
This summer I will continue to provide curriculum design and classroom analytical work for the Writing Data Stories (WDS) project. The project aims to develop data literacies of students by integrating data analysis into the middle school curriculum. Centered around Dual-Language Learners, units will contextualize students’ lived experiences within scientific inquiries of climate change and nutrition. Through this exploration, students and teachers will have access to the analytical program CODAP, where they will construct their own stories and claims of data patterns.
Message To Sponsor
Dear Leadership Fund, My name is Mark Zerrudo and I am a graduating senor transfer student at the University of California, Berkeley. Throughout my entire undergraduate experience I have continued to pursue opportunities for research work. Your donation to the program gave me the opportunity to better develop my skills in research and contribute to a research project that I care deeply about. Working for the Writing Data Stories team over the past year has been an incredible experience. As we worked to continuously develop a data science curriculum that aims to center the experiences of nondominant students, I have engaged with classroom observations, teacher debrief analyses, curriculum design work, as well as proposal writing experiences. Your donation to the program allowed me to continue this meaningful work over the summer and provided me some much needed financial support. From both myself and my family, thank you. Mark Zerrudo
Major: Sociology
Mentor: Kris Gutierrez, Education
Sponsor: Leadership Fund