Mariano Sigifredo
Post-Conflict Contexts
This summer, I will assist Professor Aila Matanock to research on projects in Colombia’s peace process and security concerns. I will work on preparing literature reviews, compiling and cleaning data, gathering and processing information available in government documents. This research project examines when and why peace agreements and international interventions occur empirically and what effects they have. I will deepen my knowledge on how to conduct social science research by collecting data, operationalizing variables, and testing theories empirically. We will also be doing some focused work on the causes and consequences of such an intervention by the U.N. in Guatemala (CICIG), collecting both qualitative and quantitative data.
Message To Sponsor
Thank you so much for this opportunity. I was able to build new skills in data analysis in political phenomena. This made possible to confirm that I definitely want to pursue a PhD and a career in a consulting role.
Major: Political Science
Mentor: Aila Matanok, Political Science
Sponsor: Shin-Morgan