Madeleine (Maddie) Lipscomb
Pesticides and the Public Understanding of Science
This summer, I will continue assisting Dr. Conis on the research for her book on the history of pesticides in the United States. This entails researching and writing memos on topics ranging from pesticide poisonings of farm workers, to the link between chemical weapons and pesticide innovation, to the funding sources of pro-industry science organizations in the 1980s. Understanding how these phenomena unfolded, including who had a seat at the table, who didn’t, and who was put at risk, will be crucial if we are to protect ourselves and our planet going forward.
Message To Sponsor
Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity! I looked forward to working each and every day, and learned valuable skills like proper citation formatting, database searching, and writing. I also got the opportunity to submit a paper proposal to a conference which I never dreamed of doing as an undergraduate. Working as a URAP apprentice this summer was an invaluable experience. Thank you again!
Major: Public Health
Mentor: Elena Conis, Journalism
Sponsor: Hampson Fund