Kimberly Salazar

Exploring Barriers to Higher Education Faced by CalWorks Student-Parents

The Public Policy Institute of California reported that a small share (5%) of CalWORKs community college recipients transferred to a four-year college. Over the summer, I’ll be conducting a literature review on the topic surrounding Student-Parent CalWORKs recipients navigating higher education to further investigate potential barriers CalWORKs student-parents face during their academic trajectory. I’ll be building qualitative data analytical skills via MAXQDA and will also be collecting administrative data related to CalWORKs student-parents.

Message To Sponsor

Thank you to the donors who supported me (my daughter) and the other URAP students in our summer research. URAP has been a life-changing learning experience that affirmed my love for research and I'm honored to produce knowledge in a field that I hold close to my heart. This opportunity is an investment in two-generations of scholars as my daughter is able to see what research consist of and learn deeply from that exposure. Thank you for supporting student-parents!
Profile image of Kimberly Salazar
Major: Sociology
Mentor: Yu-Ling Chang/ School of Social Welfare
Sponsor: Cheunkarndee Fund
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