Amanda Win Soe

Biogenesis of Heart Rhythm

The sinoatrial node is a small cluster of myocytes that is located at the junction of the upper wall of the right atrium and the superior vena cava. These cells have specialized pacemaker properties that can spontaneously generate electrical impulses for the contraction of the heart. Using mouse models to study changes in the development and function of these cells through genetic, molecular and electrophysiological analysis, our lab aims to learn more about what differentiates pacemaker cells of the sinoatrial node from other myocytes and their potential roles in the causes of arrhythmias. This summer, I will be working with genetic analysis of different genotypic profiles of mice, surgical implantation of transmitters and analysis of EKGs, variabilities of heart rates and arrhythmias. Additionally, I will be using these methods to learn more about the genotypic, functional and physiological differences of heart rhythm that are induced by pregnancy in mice.

Message To Sponsor

Thank you so much for providing me with the support I needed to learn so many new skills over the summer that gave me a lot of perspective and information about what I want to do for the rest of my career.
Profile image of Amanda Win Soe
Major: Molecular and Cell Biology
Mentor: Vasanth Vedantham, Cardiology at UCSF
Sponsor: Chandra Research Fellows - Chandra Fund
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