Niema Razavian L&S Sciences
Antibody Isotype Profile for Bovine Leukemia Virus Infection and its Correlation to Breast Cancer
A major breakthrough in cancer research over the past 50 years has been the discovery of tumor viruses, or cancer-causing viruses. Thus far, six viruses have been causally linked to cancer (the best known being human papilloma virus and cervical cancer). This SURF project investigates bovine leukemia virus (BLV) and its role in breast cancer susceptibility. Previous research has demonstrated that BLV in breast tissue is significantly correlated with the breast cancer risk, and that humans have antibodies against BLV. Expanding on this, the goal of my SURF project is to determine whether a particular antibody profile correlates with BLV infection of breast tissue. From a public health prospective, such a profile could prove useful in breast cancer screening and prevention.
Message To Sponsor
This SURF project has been a remarkable learning opportunity for me: I not only wrote my first research proposal for this grant, but it is also my first independent research project. Working on an independent project can be difficult and I would like to thank both my lab and SURF for providing me with the tools I need to succeed. This experience will help prepare me for a career in research, and for that I am truly grateful. Opportunities such as SURF make college a time I will never forget. Thank you SURF!!