Madeline Keo L&S Arts & Humanities
Dialogues of Courage: Personal Narratives and Problem-Posing Education
In the traditional classroom, children are seen as receptacles for knowledge rather than holders of knowledge. Problem-posing education treats students and teachers as humans who both have knowledge to give and receive and chooses not to replicate existing oppressive systems, such as ones where teachers dictate every aspect of the classroom and curriculum. It also exemplifies communication and uplifts creative power. Through an analysis of personal narratives written by seventh and eighth grade boys, I will argue that creative writing generates spaces for children to communicate who they are and the knowledge they have, thus replicating problem-posing education. This inclusion of youth voice generates a more equitable form of education by including student voice in the process of learning. I believe, by writing personal narratives, students can show that they have knowledge inherently and will communicate moments of love and courage as they explore their identities and the things they have learned through lived experiences.
Message To Sponsor
I am so grateful for the opportunity to research how to uplift creativity in education. Your contribution will help me to conduct research that improves educational equity. Your donation is encouraging me to continue this work and consider graduate school!