Irene Chemtai Mungo Humanities and Social Science
A Survey into the Role of Local Community's Initiatives in influencing and shaping dialogue and action against HIV/AIDS
This summer, I am interested in understanding and highlighting how a local community in Mombasa, a small coastal town in Kenya is responding to the HIV/AIDS threat that is facing its members. I want to understand the role that community support groups, gatherings, church meetings, and community celebrations such as skits and dances are playing in molding dialogue about HIV/AIDS. With an understanding of the historical role of organizing in traditional African communities, this project will study how organizing and dialogue is playing a part in the education and empowering of this community. And how (if at all) it may be different from past forms of organizing. I will study the functioning of a local AIDS clinic, attend womens support group meetings, HIV youth workshops and events, and meet and interview health educators and community leaders in this effort