Undergraduate Research & Scholarships

Catherine Ruiter L&S Social Sciences

AI and News Publishing: A Mesoeconomic Analysis

This research seeks to discover the economic impact of the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in news publishing. I will attend the International News Media Association (INMA) World Congress of News Media to listen to primary sources from Google, the New York Times, and other key firms, discuss their plans for implementing AI advances in their business models. I will then attend Google I/O, which is Google’s developer conference where the firm releases its new technological advances and potential applications. I will then engage in a cross-referential qualitative analysis of each industry’s plans to use and implement AI with the most important developments of the OpenAI/Microsoft v. New York Times (NYT) case. The OpenAI/Microsoft v. NYT case is central to the economic developments driven by AI because it will determine how AI can be used to generate profit and what intellectual property can be used in the development of AI.

Message To Sponsor

This research project is extremely important to me, and I am very excited to use my research to create an economic analysis of AI’s impact. I am very grateful for this opportunity to research how AI will alter media business practices, news consumption and dissemination, and the economy. I cannot wait to begin my researching and writing, and I am highly appreciative for having this chance to expand business and media awareness.
Profile image of Catherine Ruiter
Major: Media Studies
Mentor: Rich Jaroslovsky
Sponsor: Leadership
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