Eleanor Lum And Joshua Arnold (2014)
Healing from the Ground Up is a community based, participatory educational project whose mission is to assess and map the state of soil health in the city of Richmond, California, for the purposes of empowering communities with necessary tools to reclaim urban soils for agriculture and health. Through a participatory soil mapping process we will identify, test, and plot by GPS areas currently and potentially used for urban agriculture, creating a baseline reference point for the state of soils throughout Richmond. In addition, we will collaborate with the community to […]
Julissa Muniz (2014)
Julissa’s project, “Deconstructing the Juvenile Delinquent & Re-Creating the College Path”, seeks to curtail high recidivism rates by following a threefold model comprised of personal mentoring, sustained academic counseling, and the creation of a safe space to deconstruct the socially constructed labels imposed on youth by state institutions and society. This project will include monthly workshops at partner high schools with “high-risk populations” and monthly college preparatory workshops at San Francisco’s Youth Guidance Center (Juvenile Hall). The second component will include the recruitment of 6-10 young women who will be […]
Pablo Seward (2014)
“Umanga Tupuna” (“Food-Work With Ancestors”) consists of the re-conceptualization of Easter Island (Chile), a Polynesian island in the South Pacific Ocean, as the complex performance space it used to be prior to colonial dispossession in the 19th century. The first stage of the project will be to gather oral historians, and to enlist and re-inhabit key places on the island with unresolved histories. Inhabitation for Rapanui people consists of making offerings to emplaced ancestors, who then reciprocally share thoughts, dreams, and stories of the place. The second stage of the […]
Rachel Gottfried-Clancy And Gabriel Schwartzman (2014)
Rachel and Gabe will be launching a web platform and community organizing effort to serve communities in the midst of water crises, focusing on Southern West Virginia’s coalfields and the Sacramento River Delta. The project will create a participatory web platform that involves all aspects of the water-quality monitoring process: from context and data collection, to visualization and organization. The web platform will incorporate government and community-collected data to bridge the gap between the “authoritative” and the “subjective”. We hope to integrate data production and analysis with community participation and […]
Diana Mauricio (2014)
“I want the freedom to carve and chisel my own face, to staunch he bleeding with ashes, to fashion my own gods out of my entrails… with my own lumber, my own bricks, and mortar and my own feminist architecture.” –Gloria E. Anzaldua Nuestras Vidas Importan: A Bilingual Community Engagement Program for Madres, will create a space for immigrant and U.S Born Latina mothers to come together intergenerationally to explore and expand their understandings around their identities. Nuetsra Vidas Importan is a workshop-based bilingual community engagement program striving to build […]