William Ching (2009)
In spite of recent anti-HIV/AIDS awareness and sexual health campaigns, youth continue to contract HIV at disproportionately higher rates than the general population. Stigma and fear of discrimination further discourage at-risk youth from getting tested. This creates additional barriers to treatment and negatively impacts the quality of life of youth who are already living with the disease. William Ching intends to illuminate the social and human costs of living with HIV/AIDS by collecting the oral histories of historically marginalized youth whose lives have been impacted by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. He […]
Emma Shaw Crane (2009)
Working with COMPPA, a collective based in Chiapas, Mexico, Emma will develop and facilitate the Indigenous and Garfuna Women’s Media and Poetry Project, a series of workshops offered at peoples’ community organizations in Chiapas and Oaxaca (Mexico), Petn, Alta Verapaz, and Quich, (Guatemala), and Intibuc, Antlntida & Tegucigalpa (Honduras). The project proposes to address underdevelopment, low literacy rates, and lack of political representation for indigenous and Garfuna communities, particularly women, through community radio and poetry. The central premise of the project is that access to media and literacy among young […]
Jonathan Lee (2009)
Jonathan Lee will be developing primary healthcare infrastructure in rural communities of the central, mountainous region of Honduras. Geographic, political, and economic distance from basic healthcare provoke what should be mild conditions into life threatening emergencies for the poor in this region. The centerpiece of his project is the training of community health workers (CHWs) to deliver efficient, home-based healthcare to families as well as to refer patients to La Clinica Santa Rosa de Lima, one of the only clinics for a widespread population of over 60,000. The CHWs, called […]
Everardo Mora (2009)
Everardo Mora will create a new narrative of cannery culture infused with the voices, stories, and experiences of Latino cannery workers on Del Monte Plant 3s shop floor. In 1999, Plant 3 closed it San Joss doors. It was the last full-scale cannery to operate in the Silicon Valley. Focusing on the social, cultural, and economic significance of Plant 3s cannery community, Everardos study will raise public awareness about the social and cultural contributions of Latino cannery workers to the Silicon Valleys rich agricultural history. His study will consider the […]