Undergraduate Research & Scholarships

Jacob Huh

Profile image of Jacob Huh

Recent advances in the artificial neural networks have shown immense success in the computer vision field. While supervised learning tasks in object detection has shown to be a feasible task, the necessity of the supervision in the task is not observed in humans. Despite the fact that object Information is a unison of all senses, currently, object detection tasks are restricted to visual data. I will be researching on using multi modal data to tackle object detection in a supervised and unsupervised setting.

Leo Steinmetz

Cosmic inflation is a theory that expands on the Big Bang model of the early universe to explain some confusing astrophysical observations. A major next step for physical cosmology is to find direct evidence of inflation. Theoretical cosmologists predict that inflation left patterns in the oldest light in the universe, the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), so the CMB measurement community is attempting to detect and characterize these patterns with a new generation of CMB telescopes such as LiteBIRD and CMB-S4. In order to detect this pattern we need to develop […]

Alexander Kim

Profile image of Alexander Kim

Cancer refers to a group of currently incurable diseases characterized by the unchecked proliferation of abnormal cells in the body, resulting in the growth of tumors. Today, cancer remains the second leading cause of death in this country. Most current cancer therapies are highly toxic and often only partially effective, highlighting the need for a greater understanding of this disease in order to inform new therapies. Immune cells, including natural killer (NK) cells, possess the innate ability to identify and destroy tumor cells via specific interactions between cell surface receptors […]

Daniel Polyakov

Profile image of Daniel Polyakov

Due to the overuse of antibiotics, bacterial resistance has become one of the most widespread epidemics facing the world today. This, combined with a significant decrease in the production of antibiotics has created a need for new drugs to combat bacterial infections. Actinomycetes are a class of bacteria known to produce several secondary metabolites important in modern medicine. Recent innovations in Next Generation Sequencing have proved that Actinomycetes are capable of producing far more metabolites than previously thought possible. However, the mechanism through which these bacteria are prompted to produce […]

Julie Lee

Profile image of Julie Lee

According to the author herself, Oh Jung-hees 1981 short story collection (“The Yard of Childhood”) took the form of a novel sequence when she rearranged eight of her previously published stories by protagonist age. The sequence, however unplanned, elegiacally traces the compressed post-war development of South Korea in the 1950s-70sall through the anonymous coming-of-age story of an impoverished girl who becomes an alienated housewife haunted by her past. My research, then, engages in a close reading of Oh through the lens of literary trauma theory, examining how the psychological process […]

Michael Dohn

Profile image of Michael Dohn

Matsigenka is an Arawakan language spoken by about 10,000 people in and around southeastern Peru. The language is tenseless and utilizes a system of realis/irrealis contrast to encode temporal relations. In addition to this contrast, Matsigenka appears to employ the use of an aspectual system as another means of encoding temporality, though it is theorized to be void of proper aspect. To accomplish this, Matsigenka seems to contain two classes of morphemes which function with aspectual properties. My work this summer will focus in on these two sets of morphemes, […]

Tiffany Fung

Profile image of Tiffany Fung

Age-related macular degeneration is the number 1 leading cause of blindness in the world. Macular degeneration is a central retina eye disease that leads to the atrophy of photoreceptors in the macular region of the eye and causes vision loss. AMD patients develop a scotoma, a blind spot, in the central part of their visual system. Their fovea, located in the macular region, which gives the highest acuity and resolution of vision, also becomes degenerate. The presence of a scotoma is associated with an increase in the number of eye […]

Alexios Stamoulis

Profile image of Alexios Stamoulis

The catalytic profile of supramolecular hosts is analogous to that of most enzyme active sites and biological chaperones, which provide both entropic and enthalpic incentives for rapid and reversible substrate encapsulation into their hydrophobic cavities and catalyze reactions by stabilizing transition states. So far, the Raymond group has made significant advances in the study and further development of M4L6 tetrahedral clusters. These tetrahedral clusters are composed of four gallium ions which make up the vertices of the tetrahedron and six organic ligands which make up the edges of the tetrahedron. […]

David Mrdjenovich

Profile image of David Mrdjenovich

Throughout human history, advances in materials science have heralded new periods of technological advancement, from the stone to the modern silicon age. By harnessing newfound computational power, it is now possible to design materials on the atomic scale and accurately predict their properties, based solely on the knowledge of their structure and composition. Such flexibility has allowed for the systematic, high-throughput computational characterization of materials. Focusing on calculated dielectric and piezoelectric response, this study will investigate the connection between materials’ fundamental crystal structure and their overall performance. Over two-thousand distinct […]

Juliet Hemmati

Profile image of Juliet Hemmati

Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals: it is essential for tissue development and homeostasis, and its dysfunction contributes to tumor progression. As a major component of the extracellular matrix (ECM), collagen is secreted by specialized cells such as fibroblasts. In the tumor microenvironment, transforming growth factor- (TGF) released by tumors can stimulate fibroblasts to produce more collagen, among many other proteins. In a recent study, when TGF was supplemented to cultured fibroblasts, transcription of procollagen I (PC1) more than doubled and so did the amount incorporated into the […]