Undergraduate Research & Scholarships

Miles Rusch Rose Hills

Quantum Gate Optimization

A stable and controllable quantum system is necessary for a quantum computer to operate reliably. The quantum system is generally composed of qubits, which are the information-storage elements of the quantum computer. The computer must be able to operate on this system in a controlled fashion as to not destroy the fragile state of the quantum system. My project involves optimizing the quantum computer’s operations so that their control of the qubits is maximized. I will employ a computer algorithm similar to gradient ascent optimization to optimize the operations. In this way, the quantum computer’s qubits can become more stable, increasing its reliability.

Message To Sponsor

It is very inspiring to know organizations such as the SURF Foundation exist, organizations that are willing to grant undergraduates the opportunity to pursue research they are interested in. I myself am very excited to conduct my research and cannot thank the Rose Hills Foundation enough for giving me the opportunity to do so full-time this summer. With this is opportunity, I hope to gain experience that will help me continue to conduct research in the future, and eventually contribute to the field.
Profile image of Miles Rusch
Major: Engineering Physics
Mentor: Professor Whaley, Chemistry
Sponsor: SURF Rose Hills fellow
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