Jonanne Talebloo Rose Hills
Media Parenting Practices and Early Adolescent Screen Use
In today’s digital age, there is increasing worry about how children and adolescents are affected by their screen habits. Excessive screen time among them has been tied to various health issues like mental health concerns, physical ailments, obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and sleep disturbances. As parents play key roles during childhood and adolescence, parenting approaches, and home atmospheres have been recognized as influencers that may contribute to children’s screen use patterns. In general, more attentive parental supervision has been linked to reduced total screen usage among children and adolescents. Our purpose with this study is to assess the prevalence of various media parenting practices and identify their associations with early adolescent screen time and problematic social media, video game, and mobile phone use. We will use data from Year 3 and Year 4 of the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. We will run the analysis as a prospective analysis with media parenting practices from year 3 being the exposure and problematic screen use one year later (year 4) as the outcome.
Message To Sponsor
I would like to thank my donors and the Rose Hills program for the support to pursue this research. This project is deeply personal to me and will allow me to advance my academic pursuits with an incredible team at UCSF. I am beyond excited to begin this work and am grateful for the opportunity to engage in this fellowship.