Amy Yan Rose Hills
Spatiotemporal dynamics of type II actin nucleation-promoting factors at clathrin-coated pits
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) is a conserved cellular pathway that internalizes receptors from the cell membrane that is coordinated by a wide assortment of proteins. This process is crucial for cellular growth, maintenance, and nutrient uptake. Nucleation of actin proteins has been shown to provide crucial forces for the internalization process. While well-studied and well-characterized in yeast cells, the exact roles of actin in mammalian CME still requires further investigation. Using CRISPR/Cas9 genome-edited human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), I will study the spatiotemporal regulation of branched actin network assembly by the type II actin nucleation promoting factors, ABP1 and CTTN. Elucidation of these spatiodynamics will provide a fundamental and deeper understanding of the crucial process of CME, specifically in mammalian cells.This summer, I will work closely with my mentor in learning data analysis skills for live-cell imaging. In parallel, I will also design a methodology for generating a knockout hiPSC line. All of these skills will be applied in tandem with future wet lab work.