Sylvan Guerveno Humanities
L'Enfer en Soie
Sylvan will compose a symphonic poem in two movements, titled “L’Enfer en Soie” (Hell in Silk), based on “L’Hautontimoroumnos” (The Self-Tormenter)–a poem from the 1857 collection Les Fleurs du Mal, by Charles Baudelaire. The dualism that is present in the poem becomes, in this piece, an exploration of the pain of psychological torment, and the relief that may also come with one’s own tormenting behavior. This alliance of pain and pleasure is realized in a musical texture combining unusual orchestral sonorities and music with vocal-like qualities. University Orchestra Director, David Milnes, will conduct this symphonic poem, Sylvan’s Senior Honors Thesis in Music, for its first public performance at Hertz Hall, in conjunction with the Haas Scholars Spring Conference in April 2002.