Spring Keosoupha Social Science
What are the Experiences and Outcomes for Unaccompanied Minors as They Transition into Adulthood as Age-Outs?
Scholars Journal
Spring’s research project will study the experiences and outcomes for Unaccompanied Minors as they transition into adulthood as Age-Outs. Although information already exists from the “reporting standards imposed on ICE,” the existing literature fails to show the connections between what happens to the lives of these young people and what their outcomes and experiences are transitioning into adulthood. Spring seeks to learn what happens to them and why they are missing from the common discussions of immigration. She will study library sources such as archives and databases, as well as conduct interviews with involved parties to get a clear picture of what’s happening to these youth as they grow up.
Major: Legal Studies and Social Welfare, Public Policy Minor
Mentor: Kathryn Abrams, Law