Joseph Paul Scalice Social Science
Modes of Production and Tactics of Resistance: a Study of the Philippine Left in the 1990s
Joseph’s interest in the Philippines is the product of over 16 years of residency in Manila. Joseph will investigate the origin and ramifications of recent debates within the Philippine left over modes of production. Over the past 15 years, the left in the Philippines has fragmented into two broad camps: those that claim that the Philippine mode of production is semi-feudal, and those that claim it is capitalist. Joseph will conduct research in the Southeast Asian library at Cornell, read archived tracts, fliers, and circulars published by the various groups of the Philippine left, and in Manila, conduct interviews with the leaders of these groups. Joseph will focus particularly on the life and unpublished writings of a recently assassinated Trotskyite labor leader in the hopes of using his work as a lens for understanding the debates within the Philippine left.