Adrian Caceres Social Science

Berkeley's Underground Scholars Cross-Enrollment Higher Education Pipeline

Scholars Journal

Cross-enrollment allows students at other institutions to take courses for credit at UC Berkeley before formally enrolling at UC Berkeley. These programs traditionally were for (mostly privileged) high school students in advanced placement classes seeking college courses for transfer credit. Recently, though, cross-enrollment at UC Berkeley has opened up to community college students, mostly first-generation college, underrepresented, and/or low-income. Initiated by Berkeley Underground Scholars in 2015, a specific cross-enrollment program helps formerly incarcerated/system-impacted students transition successfully from community college into UC Berkeley. To understand in what ways this program is effective and how it could be more so, Adrian will conduct interviews with current and past students of the program and those who did not complete it, as well as staff involved in its administration.
Adrian Caceres
Major: Sociology
Mentor: David Harding, Sociology
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