Amy Park

Understanding the role of parental sensitivity in the development of child tooth decay

Children living with similar resources still continue to have varying levels of oral health. How is it that some families have better oral health than others? In my summer research project, I am assessing the nutrition, oral health, and parenting practices of families with children ages 3 to 6 in Nepal. I hypothesize that there is an association between the number of children in the family with the severity of child’s tooth decay, which may be mediated by nutrition practices, oral health practices, and mother’s oral health knowledge.

Message To Sponsor

Thank you so much for this opportunity to gain experience in quality research. I have learned to appreciate the work and heart that goes into crafting a credible paper. I hope many dentists will be inspired to view their patients holistically, focusing not on just the mouth but the person's background as well. The research I conducted in Nepal, Ecuador, and Vietnam has been so insightful, especially considering the cultural ties to each child patient's oral health. I am eager to publish a paper that helps these children living in the rural areas of these countries. You will be to thank for the future papers that many of us will be publishing. There is no greater gift than your sentiment behind your kind donation.
Major: Nutritional Sciences
Mentor: Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, Public Health
Sponsor: Cheunkarndee Fund
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