Morgan Lewis Humanities and Social Science
The New Traditional Woman
My research will focus on the role of women in forming the gender and family politics of the New Right in the 1970s and 1980s and if their views differed from New Right men. I am also interested in complicating the idea of ‘traditional values’ by looking at how the privileging of certain issues and identities in fact represented a departure from the past.
Message To Sponsor
Receiving the SURF grant has given me the opportunity to deeply engage some of the most interesting questions that have been presented to me as a student at Cal. Additionally, it has given me the opportunity to test the research skills that I have acquired in my course work as well as in other campus sponsored programs such as URAP. Along with being intellectually fulfilled, SURF has also provided me with invaluable experience that will help me in any future graduate work.
Major: History, Gender and Women's Studies
Mentor: Barbara Barnes, Gender and Women's Studies